
Rodent Control

Rodent Pest control Services

How to get rid of rats and rodents?

What is a Rodent and Rodent Control?

Pest Control services have rodent control as their premium pest control service. Rodent is a gnawing mammal of an order that includes rats, mice, squirrels, hamsters, porcupines, and their relatives, distinguished by strong constantly growing incisors and no canine teeth. They constitute the largest order of mammals.Rodents are a group of nuisance pests that includes mice, rats, and squirrels. These animals can contaminate food, damage property, and spread disease.

Types of Rodents-

Order Rodentia is comprised of over 2,000 species, which are subdivided into many families.

The Capromyidae, Castoridae, Cricetidae, Erethizontidae, Muridae, Sciuridae and Dipodidae are some of the most common families. The Family Muridae is the largest, containing nearly two-thirds of all rodent species. This family includes several subfamilies and includes sand rats, gerbils, crested rats and old-world rats and mice.

There are many different rodent types which have been identified. The different types can be distinguished by their differences in physical appearance as well as genetics. The types often are grouped together with similar types.

Type One-

1.Chipmunks, 2. Marmots, 3. Woodchucks, 4. Squirrels, 5. Prairie dogs and 6. Gophers belong to one rodent group.

Type Two-

Another group includes 1. Common house mice, 2.Rats, 3.Gerbils, 4.Hamsters, 5.Lemmings and 6.Voles.

 Type Three

Another well-known group contains 1, Porcupines, 2. Capybaras, 3. Agouti, 4. Guinea pigs and 5. Chinchillas.

How Rodents are harmful for human society?

Rodents are one of the major causes of damage to crops and electrical systems throughout the world. With their ever-growing teeth, rodents, such as rats and mice, are constantly gnawing on things and are able to chew away at power lines that provide people with electricity. As carriers of contagious diseases and hosts of infectious parasites, rodents also contaminate food supplies and spoil gardens throughout Third World and industrialized nations.

With their ability to crawl through pipes and slip into hard-to-reach areas, rodents come into contact with sensitive circuitry that connects to power grids in towns and cities everywhere. Using their sharp incisors, the critters gnaw at electrical wires and insulation materials, causing short circuits and sparking fires in the process. The older a rodent grows, the stronger its teeth become, hence the need to chew on hard objects.

As carriers of pests, rodents bring along fleas, mites, and ticks with each infestation. Rodents are also carriers of diseases, and there are many that are transmittable to humans, pets, and farm animals; examples include leptospirosis, salmonella, tapeworms, and tuberculosis. The rodents are also contagious for what they leave behind, like urine, droppings, and saliva — all of which can be disease-ridden themselves.

Rats and mice have also been responsible for major damage to store supplies, home furnishings, and even buildings. Locations and items especially susceptible to damage

What is Rodent Control?

Ways to get rid of rats and mice

Rodent control is a very potential service of pest control. Rodent Control is controlling infestation and growth of Rodents, that is rats and mice, in a premise.Prevention method should be implemented early, such as mouse traps, rodent repellents mouse traps etc, in order to maintain a rodent-free home. Rodents reproduce rapidly, and small populations become full-blown infestations in very little time. Rat traps, rodent repellents, mouse traps, etc are used for pest and rodent control in a house.

Rodents are some of the most adaptable creatures on the planet and can be extremely difficult to exterminate. It is recommended that anyone experiencing a rodent infestation contact a pest control service professional to arrange for a consultation. Professionals are trained not only to address current infestations but also to prevent future infestations. Scheduling a home inspection may help you get rid of rodents.

  • About Rodent
  • General Features
  • Importance to Humans
  • Natural History
  • Form and Function

Rodent, order Rodentia, any of more than 2,050 living species of mammals characterized by upper and lower pairs of ever-growing rootless incisorteeth. Rodents are the largest group of mammals,constituting almost half the class Mammalia approximately 4,660 species. They are found in to every land area except Antarctica, New Zealand, and a few Arctic and other oceanic islands, although some species have been introduced even to those places through their association with humans. This huge order of animals encompasses27 separate families, including not only the “true” rats and mice but also such diversegroups as porcupines, beavers, squirrels, marmots, pocket gophers and chinchillas.