bed bug control

What are the cheapest remedies for bed bugs?

It is best to use hot water to wash all clothes, linens and anything fabric that may have contacted the bugs. Heat will kill anything hiding in your linens. Use a dryer to dry everything as well, because a dryer will hit the bugs with a double dose of heat. Just make sure you pay attention to the tags on the fabric, as your linens may be dry clean only. Dry cleaning can also kill bed bugs, but make sure you inform the dry cleaner of the possible infestation. Once you’ve given your bedding the heat treatment, follow up by vacuuming all areas of the infested rooms. Vacuuming will remove any…

Zika Virus mosquito control

22 people test positive for Zika in Rajasthan

The Prime Minister’s Office and the Health Ministry in Central Government at New Delhi has issued a RED ALERT, as 22 people have tested positive for Zika virus infection in the state of Rajasthan, especially in the district of Jaipur. The reported cases suffering from Zika virus infection is on the increase in the district of Jaipur and it has sounded the alarm in the ministries in Central government also. The Bihar government has also issued a watch out notice for Zika virus infection, within the state. The incidences of Zika virus infection is on the rise in India and people must be aware to take proper precaution…

bed bug

How should I completely get rid of bed bugs from an Indian Apartment?

Bed Bugs are same in all the countries, where ever bed bugs are found. If your apartment in India is densely infested with bed bugs, you better immediately take professional help from professional pest control service providers. This pest control service provider, whom you call, must be well equipped with the latest technology of bed bug extermination. The latest technology of bed bug extermination is heat treatment, given by the pest control service provider. They will heat up your apartment to a certain degree of temperature and will keep your apartment heated for a minimum number of hours. This will completely exterminate bed bugs from your apartment. You…

mosquito control, pest control

Which is more dangerous, a snake or mosquito?

Snakes are not dangerous. A very nominal percentage of snakes are poisonous. Out of these, there are very few snake’s species, whose venom is fatal enough to kill a person. Snakes also have a very small population of species that is large enough to strangulate a person or crush the person to death. Snakes do not interfere with humans. They strike only when they feel threatened. Mosquitoes are potential carrier of many dangerous diseases. Many of these diseases are in forms of epidemics. These epidemics are strong enough to wipe out an entire human society. Mosquitoes carry dangerous diseases such as Malaria, Filariasis, Dengue, Zika and other fatal…

termite control

Devastating results of negligence in exterminating termites from home.

The technical team of Pest Control Services INC visited a residential premise at Vijayanagar, Indore, M.P. This residential premise had sets of wooden furniture installed in the rooms. These sets of wooden furniture were badly infested by termites. The technical team of PCSI informed the house owner to have the termites exterminated, by availing a termite control service from the PCSI team. The team also informed the house owner of the possible dire consequences if the termites are not removed immediately from the wooden furniture, in the house. Somehow the house owner was not convinced and did not pay any attention to the warning given to him by…

What is the definition of insects and pests?

What is the definition of insects and pests?

Insects are those bugs which are not harmful to human society. But Pests cause damage in some way to humans. A pest is a plant or animal detrimental to humans or human concerns including crops, livestock, and forestry. The term is also used of organisms that cause a nuisance, such as in the home. An older usage is of a deadly epidemic disease, specifically plague. In its broadest sense, a pest is a competitor of humanity. An insect is any of a class Insecta of arthropods (such as bugs or bees) with well-defined head, thorax, and abdomen, only three pairs of legs, and typically one or two pairs of wings.

How can I identify bed bug eggs

How can I identify bed bug eggs?

Identification of eggs of bed bugs can easily be done with the right tools and methods to be applied for the purpose. Bed bug eggs are small, white and about the size of a pinhead. They can also be seen with naked eyes. These eggs are difficult to find because of their very small size. One needs a magnifying glass and a flashlight to find bed bug eggs. These eggs are sticky and they remain attached to a surface. Bed Gug Control/Treatment Contact

mosquito control

Fresh Outbreak of Dengue in Central and western India.

It is the monsoon season and the health threats are here. There are fresh cases of Dengue being reported in the cities in central and western India. This is time to react positively towards exterminating dengue mosquitoes at the onset of the season. One must be pro active and take all the necessary steps to ensure that no stagnant water is in or around the house. With this, it is best to take the help of a professional pest control service provider, to provide good health to self and all family members. It is wise to remember that Dengue is a fatal disease, if not attended to properly, at the initial stage only. Need…


मच्छर का जीवन चक्र – सोशल मीडिया से मिले वीडियो द्वारा

इस वीडियो में मच्छर का जीवन चक्र दिखाया गया है। मादा मच्छर पानी में अपना अनगिनत निषेचित अंडे देती है। ये अंडे एक से तीन दिनों में छोटे छोटे लार्वा में बदल जाता है। ये लार्वा पानी के सतह पर आकर सांस लेते हैं। कुछ दिनों में इन लार्वा में फिर से परिवर्तन होता है। ये अब करीब करीब गोलाकार प्यूपा में बदल जाते हैं। कुछ ही दिनों में इन प्यूपा के खोल से पूरा वयस्क मच्छर बाहर निकल आता है। ये वयस्क मच्छर अब मनुष्य को काटकर उनमे घातक बीमारी फैलाते हैं। ध्यान देने योग्य बात यह है की मादा मच्छर पानी में ही अपनी अंडे देती है। अगर…

zika mosquito control service

डेंगू से बचना हो तो अपने आस पास पानी जमा ना होने दें।

बरसात के मौसम में डेंगू का प्रकोप अपने चरम पर होता है। घर के आसपास पानी जमा होने से डेंगू के मच्छर उसमे बड़े आसानी से पनपते हैं।डेंगू के मच्छर के लार्वा साफ़ पानी में ही पनपते हैं। जैसा की आप जानते हैं की डेंगू एक जानलेवा बीमारी है। डेंगू के मच्छर दिन के समय ही काटते हैं।एक बार डेंगू हो जाने पर बड़े मुश्किल से जान बचती है। हम सभी को वह सारी सावधानियां रखनी चाहिए, जिससे हमारे आसपास डेंगू के मच्छर न पनप सकें। हमें कहीं भी पानी जमा होने नहीं देना है ।हमें अपने घर के कूलर का पानी हर हफ्ते बदलना चाहिए। हमारे आस-पास बेकार…