Lizard Control services in Indore

Lizard Control:- Keep your Home Lizard Free

Lizards pest control is now easy and effective with the professional pest control service provided by Pest Control Services Inc, the best pest control service provider company. What is a Lizard? Lizards are an animal species in Class Reptiles. Lizards are considered as the most successful species of reptiles that have lived this long and now have more than 6000 species of the animal, all over the world. How to Catch Lizards in House? Close the doors where you last saw the Lizards. Check dark, enclosed spaces to see if the lizards are hiding there. Turn off all of the lights. Wait until it comes out. Pest Control…


Lizard Treatment at Home

The leading pest control service provider company in Indore, Pest Control Services Inc has displayed an effective home treatment for Lizard infestations. This company provides this Lizard extermination service by using the technology of using Sticking Patches. The lizards at home get stuck on these patches and are thrown away out of the premises. This method is absolutely free from any toxic side effects to the inmates and pests, because no poisonous pesticide is used here. This method is also one hundred percent effective, as displayed in the image. Please contact PCSI for pest extermination service at your premises.

lizard control

What are the best ways to keep lizards away from your home?

One can keep house lizards away by using natural insect killing balls of pesticides, or by using balls made of tobacco and coffee, all around the house. House lizards stay away from cold water.  One can use Naphthalene balls, onions, garlics or pepper spray to shy off the house lizards. Egg shells and Tobasco sauce has also been found very effective in keeping the house lizards away from the house. One should take ultimate care that there is no opening left in the house that can allow the house lizards to enter into the house. One should also take care that the house does not have any insects…

lizard control & repellent

लिज़र्ड पेस्ट कंट्रोल क्यों आवश्यक है

घरों में पाए जाने वाले छिपकली वैसे तो हानिरहित लगते हैं , पर वास्तव में ये काफी हानिकारक होते हैं। ये छिपकली घरों में अँधेरी जगहों में रहना पसन्द करते हैं और सारे घर में अपना शिकार ढूंढ़ते रहते हैं। इन छिपकलियों के शरीर में घातक जीवाणु, साल्मोनेला पाया जाता है। जब भी ये छिपकली किसी प्रकार से किसी चीज को दूषित कर देते हैं , वह दूषित चीज घर के व्यक्तियों में साल्मोनेला का इन्फेक्शन फैला देता है। साल्मोनेला इन्फेक्शन से पीड़ित व्यक्ति की मौत तक हो सकती है। इसकेअतिरिक्त छिपकलियों के शरीर पर विषैला तत्त्व होता है जो किसी खाने पीने की सम्पर्क में आने से…